Howard Dean Campaigns for More Green Power

by Edward X. Young, Staff Writer, News

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Democratic Presidential candidate Howard Dean promised to aggressively promote all forms of renewable energy technolgy.

Image: John Pettitt/ DeanForAmerica


"The first thing I would do would be to reverse every single Executive Order the President has written about the environment."

- Democratic Presidential candidate, former Vermont Governor, Howard Dean M.D.

Peterborough, New Hampshire - January 2, 2004 [] Democratic Presidential candidate, former Vermont Governor, Howard Dean M.D., has reiterated his position on the environment and green power at a campaign stop in Peterborough, New Hampshire, the home base of

Dean told cheering supporters that the aggressive promotion of renewable energy technology would be one of the issues to top his agenda if he wins the Oval Office in November.

Dean addressed a "standing room only" crowd of nearly 1200 people, who trekked through the falling snow and freezing rain to Peterborough (a town with a population of less than 6000) to pack the Town Hall to capacity at 11 a.m. this morning to hear the candidate speak. Dean is currently campaigning across the Granite State in hopes of winning the support of New Hampshire Democrats, who will be voting in the nation's first Presidential Primary on January 27.

"The first thing I would do," said Dean, "would be to reverse every single Executive Order the President has written about the environment."

Dean said that he supports renewable energy for three reasons. He said it would help stanch the progression of global warning, which is an issue the candidate accused conservatives of trying to ignore in spite of scientific evidence that highlights the enormity and reality of the problem. He said it would create more jobs domestically and as a result, improve the U.S. economy, as opposed to spending U.S. dollars in Middle East countries, where money is often recycled to terrorist organizations. He said it would allow the country to "get off foreign oil" and finally achieve energy independence.

"I want wind energy," said Dean, who said that his desire should not be dismissed as the opinion of a "liberal Birkenstock-wearing candidate from Ben & Jerry Land."

He cited examples of how far wind power technology has flourished in Europe, and particularly in Denmark, while in the U.S., wind generated electricity composes only a tiny fraction of the market.

"And what about ethanol?" asked Dean, who cited the renewable fuel made from corn as a ideal means of decreasing the demand for foreign fossil fuels.

Regarding biodiesel, Dean said, "There are buses running on soybean oil and the fat we use to fry food."

Dean said that he wanted to assure the owners of SUVs and trucks that he does not want to throw them out of their vehicles. He said he just wants to make sure that these vehicles operate more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly manner by utilizing current technologies.

The Democratic candidate accused Republicans of discounting the practicality and feasibility of any renewable energy technology that would generate negative financial repercussions for their friends in the oil industry.

"But the technology exists now," said Dean. "The technology is here today -- right now."

Dean also praised the merits of hydrogen fuel cells, while surmising that the Bush Administration might be using the technology as a canard to divert the public's attention away from other renewable energy technology that is currently more practically applicable.

"The hydrogen fuel cell is wonderful," said Dean. "But the technology is not ready for mass application for ten years."

Dean suggested that President George W. Bush might only be endorsing hydrogen fuel cells, because the time gap would allow the President to appear to be a supporter of renewable energy, while the Bush Administration continues to favor current polluting and non-renewable methods of energy production.

"We need to do better than this," Dean said.

For Further Information:

Howard Dean for America

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