Midwest utilities seek more discussion of through-and-out rates
Washington (Platts)--6Jan2004
A host of Midwestern utilities told the US Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission to give more time and allow greater stakeholder
involvement in the process to eliminate "through-and-out" rates for
transactions between the PJM Interconnection and Midwest Independent
Transmission System Operator. In a joint filing Tuesday, the group said it
transmission customers have not had ample opportunity to comment on the
elimination of the rates and their replacement with a temporary seams
elimination charge adjustment (SECA), as required by FERC last November.
"No meaningful opportunity is apparently available for customers to
participate in the development of the SECA filings," the utilities said.
Participating in the filing are Detroit Edison, Consumers Energy, Wisconsin
Electric Power, Wisconsin Public Power, Madison Gas & Electric, Wisconsin
Public Service, and Upper Peninsula Power.