Real security in a post 9-11 world

Thursday, May 13
1:00 PM Eastern

Presented by:
Energy Central's PowerSessions

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Merged IT and Physical Security
for Electrical Utilities

Charge it up: Manage your IT and Physical Security together! 

Is your electric utility company vulnerable to a cyber attack?

So many companies are surprisingly easy targets. That's because skilled attackers may be able to pierce your firewall, breeze past your DMZ and exploit an alarmingly simple glitch in most security software. Once inside your website, those thieves can make off with all kinds of critical, confidential or strategic corporate information. The result for your utility could be a nightmare - and a fortune in legal claims, lost shareholder value and court awards. 

Don't sit back. Fight back! 

Give your IT and physical assets the unified security and protection they deserve. Take the right steps right now - there are solid, affordable, fully integrated solutions tailored specially to the needs of regional electric power utilities. Learn all about it at this special Energy Central webcast:

Charge it up: Manage your IT and physical security together! 
Presenter: Chris Shepherd
Price: $197 - Register Today

Date: Thurdsday, May 13th
Time: 1:00pm Eastern
45 minute presentation - Followed by 15 minutes of Q&A

A "must attend" for critical power company executives including:

  • CEOs

  • CFOs

  • CIOs

  • Risk Management Specialists

  • Security Experts (corporate IT and physical security)

Make sure your IT and physical assets enjoy the security and protection they deserve. 
Join Chris Shepherd, President and CEO of ICCT Corporation (Intercontinental Consulting Teams, Inc.) for this power-packed webcast. A widely acknowledged expert on merging IT and physical security, Mr. Shepherd has served as a management consultant throughout the utility industry for almost a decade. Listen to all he can offer on project management, enhanced information and physical security, and disaster recovery. 

Don't wait until a security violation takes place!
Register now or call 1-800-459-2233 x100

Sign up for this PowerSession and here's what you'll TAKE AWAY: 

As a result, you'll be on the right track toward: 

CLOSING your vulnerabilities!
STRENGTHENING your overall security!
PREVENTING unauthorized access!
ENHANCING the efficiency and utilization of existing security funding!
MINIMIZING the potential for fraud, theft and attack!

Two easy ways to register today:
On-line: Follow this link to register today
Call Customer Service at 1-800-459-2233, x100