"Ethanol can be produced from a nearly unlimited number of
sources, all of which can reduce dependence on foreign oil, improve air quality,
and create economic development."
- U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota)
Washington, D.C. -
January 29, 2004 [SolarAccess.com] The Ethanol Across America
campaign announced that U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota) will
join the group's Advisory Committee. While Johnson's home state of South Dakota has become one of the largest ethanol producing states in the country, the Senator noted that ethanol need not be limited to corn. "We are sending the right message, at the right time," said Senator Johnson. "Ethanol can be produced from a nearly unlimited number of sources, all of which can reduce dependence on foreign oil, improve air quality, and create economic development. It is truly an American solution, and the whole country can be part of it." Fellow Senators and Co-Chairmen Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) and Conrad Burns (R-Montana) welcomed the addition of Johnson, who was one of the sponsors of legislation creating the Renewable Fuels Standard passed by the Senate Energy Committee in 2002. That legislation was incorporated into the current Energy Bill and represents the future path of growth for ethanol in the United States. "Tim Johnson has been a strong supporter of ethanol, both as a member of the House and in the Senate," said Senator Nelson. "He has been directly involved in the establishment of a Renewable Fuels Standard and will be extremely helpful in our effort to educate and enlist support from all Americans for ethanol programs." Senator Burns also praised Johnson, a fellow member of the Senate Energy Committee. "Senator Johnson has shown he can work with members on both sides of the aisle," said Senator Burns. "Ethanol Across America is about all of us working together, for a common goal." Ethanol Across America is a non-profit, non-partisan education campaign of the Clean Fuels Foundation and is engaged in a wide variety of education and outreach activities in support of ethanol. The effort includes a series of workshops, educational publications, and the Ethanol Minute Radio program. Senator Johnson noted that the renewable fuels standard, which is not a controversial issue in Congress and has been agreed to by both Houses, is in the comprehensive energy bill that Congress will take up again early this year. "Passing an Energy Bill is a priority issue," said Senator Johnson. "Ethanol Across America has been very effective in educating the public on the importance of expanding our fuel supplies, and I am pleased to be part of this effort." |
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