What Will They Do With All That Oil?

March 23 (News Release)

Every day the benchmark price of crude is above $25 per barrel is a day closer to the end of the oil age. The oil age will not end because of a shortage of oil but because of a glut of economic illiteracy on the part of Arab OPEC, principally Saudi Arabia. At current prices it is inevitable global use will peak quite soon, then stagnate for a while and then go into irreversible decline. The oil hand has been overplayed and the strategic consequence is economic defeat for crude.

Technology and consumer self interest will find a way to route around crude prices above $25 per barrel. Consumers are devoted to organizing around abundant resources they can acquire at ever declining real prices with a high degree of supply reliability. This has been true since the dawn of civilization. Technology is the instrument human ingenuity creates to bypass monopolies, bad government, abusive institutions and producer exploitation. With crude, self interest and technology are converging to an astonishing degree. For the full text of this article go to www.darandcompany.com/WhatToDo.html.

DAR & COMPANY was founded by Vinod K. Dar who is still the Managing Director. His operating experience is in gas and electric trading, marketing, retailing and merchant generation. He has been CEO of two energy trading and marketing companies and founded strategy and risk management practices at major energy consulting companies. He has served on the Boards of five publicly traded energy and consulting firms. He is a frequent industry and corporate speaker and has published scores of articles and essays. He has been quoted in many industry and general business publications over the past twenty years.

Contact: Kathy O. McGrath, 703-534-8784

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