The theft of electric service is an issue
that plagues utilities across the nation and abroad. Besides the fact that
energy theft is a crime, it also creates an undue burden for ratepayers,
to whom the cost associated directly with stolen energy and associated
revenue protection programs is often passed. Nationally, it is estimated
that as much as $6 billion per year is lost by utilities.
This two day EUCI Energy Theft course will offer comprehensive, yet
palatable information and techniques on recognizing, investigating and
recovering these types of losses in electrical systems. This course will
consist of several hands-on meter
exercises and direct experience case studies. Attendees will learn how to:
? Recognize the types of non-technical losses
? Determine signs of theft
? Establish a program
? Conduct an investigation
? Gather control evidence
? Calculate and collect lost revenue
? Document and write energy theft reports
? Provide testimony in litigation and regulatory hearings
Register today!
Should Attend:
? Comptrollers
? Revenue Recovery Investigators & Supervisors
? Meter Test & Meter Reading Employees and Supervisors
? Customer Service Supervisors
? Any utility employee whose responsibilities include litigation of lost
revenue cases and protecting company revenues
? Regulators
? Cost of Service and Rate Design Staff
Topics Include:
Basic Meter Mechanics
Types of Non-Technical Losses
Determination of Theft & Establishing a Program
Calculating Lost Revenue
Conducting an Investigation
Investigative Costs
Case Documentation/Report Writing
Effective Witness Testimony
About The
Edward J. Holmes, Senior
Consultant at Arnett Industries, joined Jersey Central Power and Light Co.
(d/b/a GPU Energy) in 1959 and held various positions in the Line
Department, Meter Department and Customer Accounting before being named
Manager of the newly formed Revenue Protection Department in 1982.
During his tenure as Manager, Ed developed and implemented an industry
recognized theft program which reduced JCP&L?s losses resulting from theft
from 2 1⁄2% of annual revenues to .9% and maintained a cost effectiveness
ratio of $9.62 returned for every $1.00 spent. He was also responsible for
implementing a Commercial & Industrial current transformer inspection and
lock-up program that uncovered and re-billed $15, 155, 500. Approximately
44% of the dollars re-billed as a result of the program were collected
resulting in a rate of return of $16.31 for every $1.00 spent. Ed is a
certified Utility Theft/Fraud Investigator and Interviewer/Interrogator
and he is also certified in Skip Tracing,
Surveillance and Law Enforcement photography. Ed held the Chairperson
position of several industry organizations and has conducted training
classes and seminars, both nationally and internationally, on detection,
investigation, collection
and prosecution of theft cases.
Ed has participated in the execution of in excess of 200 search warrants
involving theft of utility service. In numerous instances, he has been the
affiant in the preparation of search warrants. He has testified as the
primary investigator, as well as expert witness, in criminal and civil
court cases and restitution hearings regarding theft of utility service.
Ed has testified before the New Jersey Legislature and the New Jersey
State Senate Law and Public Safety Committee regarding the revision and
creation of New Jersey statutes pertaining to theft of utility service and
fraud, as well as testifying before the New Jersey Board of Public
Utilities Commission and the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law in
contested restitution cases.
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