Ambitious goal
set for state: 20% renewable power by 2020
Apr 13, 2006 - Record, Northern New Jersey
Author(s): Colleen Diskin, Staff Writer
The Board of Public Utilities on Wednesday adopted a long- discussed
standard requiring that by 2020 at least 20 percent of power used in the
state come from a renewable source, such as the sun, the wind or the
Now that New Jersey has set the lofty goal for switching to cleaner
power sources, advocates said they want the state to go further by
adopting new energy-saving standards and by erecting at least some
offshore windmills on a test-case basis.
The state currently gets only about 1 percent of its power from
renewable sources, primarily from its rapidly growing solar power
The state's first wind turbines opened in Atlantic City last year.
But former Governor Richard Codey stunted that industry's growth when he
placed a moratorium on putting windmills in the ocean the state's
windiest locations until a panel he appointed could examine concerns
that aquatic life and tourism would be harmed. That panel's report is
expected any day.
Even without its own windmills, New Jersey can hit its new target
because power can be purchased from renewable energy companies in other
states, BPU President Jeanne Fox said.
Environmental groups say they are hoping for a pilot program in which
a small wind-power station could be built in the ocean to study the
impact. They are also urging the adoption of energy- saving standards
for new homes and for appliances such as furnaces and water heaters.
"We waste too much energy in New Jersey, regardless of where it comes
from," said Suzanne Leta, an advocate with the New Jersey Public
Interest Research Group.
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