EPA, Corps of Engineers Propose Better Wetlands Protection

March 27, 2006


Swamps, bogs, fens, marshes and estuaries—in short, wetlands—are as vital to our environment as coral reefs and rain forests. With that in focus, the U.S EPA and U.S Army Corps of Engineers are proposing a new rule to ensure more effective wetlands restoration and preservation nationwide.

The agencies' rule, being published for public comment, proposes improved science and results-oriented standards to increase the quality and effectiveness of wetlands conservation practices under the Clean Water Act.

EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Benjamin H. Grumbles and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army George Dunlop will hold a joint teleconference to discuss the beneficial impact of the proposed rule on the nation's wetlands Monday, March 27 at 1 p.m. EST.

Source: EPA   March 27, 2006

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