SHIPPINGPORT, Pa., Apr 12, 2006 -- UPI


A nuclear plant near Pittsburgh has 48 hours to replace an air filtration system or shut down after a sprinkler system malfunction rendered it useless.

FirstEnergy Corp.'s Beaver Valley Unit Two reactor in Shippingport, Pa., was given the 48-hour waiver by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after the sprinkler system began spraying equipment Tuesday.

The charcoal air filtration system is used during a nuclear accident to filter contaminated air before it is released into the environment.

The plant began an automatic shutdown, down to about 19 percent of power, before the NRC approved the 48-hour time frame to replace the filters.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports it was operating at 65 percent power Wednesday afternoon and power continued to increase.

Plant officials said no fire could be found to have triggered the sprinklers.

Last week the plant shut down because of a faulty electrical coil.

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Pa. nuclear plant on 48-hour waiver