An increasing number of microprocessor-based electronic devices use dc
power, converted from standard ac supply. Other devices, such as variable
speed drives for motors, ballasts for fluorescent lights and other
equipment can also run on DC power. The migration to dc distribution may
extend to residential dwellings as an increasing number of electronic
devices and appliances are now available which could run on dc power.
EPRI is working on a series of projects to examine whether eliminating
dc-ac converters can be more efficient and practical. At a recent EPRI
workshop in Washington D.C., engineers estimated that $115 in electricity
savings, per server, per year, could be achieved with dc power delivery.
With an estimated 9 million servers now operating in the United States
that translates into more than $1 billion in power savings annually, and
millions of dollars saved for each large data center.
In an ongoing effort to provide critical information to energy and
utility decision makers, EPRI has published DC Power Production, Delivery,
and Utilization, a white paper that reviews the potential for increased
reliance on dc power systems, as well potential challenges to its
adoption. The white paper is available in the EPRI website.
EPRI is working with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Ecos
Consulting to assess the feasibility of a dc-powered demonstration at Sun
Microsystems’ Newark data center in California. The project hopes to
demonstrate how dc-powered servers or server racks can be operated from
existing components, providing the same functionality with minimal effort.
Efficiency gains from elimination of multiple ac-dc conversion steps will
also be measured.
"Data centers are a potential near-term application of dc power
delivery, as they have an economic imperative to increase energy
efficiency and power reliability," said EPRI’s Vice President of
Innovation Clark Gellings. "Data centers may house thousands of racks of
multiple servers and other computing devices. The density of these servers
keeps increasing, wasting power and generating heat with multiple ac to dc
conversions. Eliminating ac to dc conversions could reduce inefficiencies
in powering the servers, and reduce cooling loads significantly."
On the Web (links open in a new window):
Electric Power Research Institute
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