Green power offered at fixed price for 30 years

LAS VEGAS, New Mexico, US, August 9, 2006 (Refocus Weekly)

A wholesale generator of renewable energy will sell green power at a fixed price of 4.8¢ per kilowatt-hour for a term of 30 years.

Nature’s Accent has made the offer to all rural electric cooperatives which belong to the Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association. The offer included price and delivery guarantees, equity participation and revenue sharing.

Tri-State G&T is a wholesale electric power supplier owned by 44 electric cooperatives and public power districts in Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming.

The proposal is for fixed pricing with no increases over the 30 years, and a price match guarantee for any other green power offer. The 100% renewable energy would use the company’s Tri-Fuel™ plant design and include cooperative equity ownership in generation plants, joint venture revenue on excess energy that is sold, and shareholder dividends from equity ownership.

The green power would reduce CO2 emissions, help watersheds and reduce bovine waste problems, as well as reduce transmission bottlenecks with power that is generated locally. The company would put a plan in place to meet future Renewable Energy Portfolio standards and lower the cost of electricity to co-op members, while creating local employment opportunities.

The first plant is expected to start generating power near Las Vegas, New Mexico, in January 2008, and the company is surveying 12 additional sites in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Texas for potential to generate green power. The plants will range in capacity from 40 to 100 MW, and be powered by solar thermal, wind and biomass (forest or bovine waste) that is integrated into a base load and dispatchable continuous energy plant.

Nature’s Accent plans to build capacity targeted at more than 1 GW of pure renewable energy in the next decade, and says partnering does not require any cash participation. It will supply all funding, engineering, construction and operation of the plants, but the joint venture approach will allow co-ops to “attain long-term fixed energy pricing, stable power purchases and the benefits of owning your own renewable generation facility.”

“The southwest has tremendous natural energy resources that can be turned into large-scale renewable energy generation,” says CEO Allen Witters. “We can compete directly with coal, gas and nuclear systems, and beat them on price, global ethics and uptime.”

The Tri-Fuel concept combines the use of biomass from either wood waste or cow manure, with thermal solar and wind technologies in a single plant.

“The company will produce renewable energy that is competitive with non-renewable energy produced from fossil fuels, and it never shuts down," adds Witters. "This means we can deliver continuous electricity 24/7 throughout the year without interruption. The design is completely redundant and we adjust production to the least-cost fuel available at any instant in time.”

Nature’s Accent is a woman-owned private corporation.

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