By T. S. Vergith, M.D.
The purpose of this paper is to consider the possibility that Art Bell may
have serendipitously created a Tesla Fuel less Generator - and to outline a
mechanism of action to explain the phenomenon.
1. Why do I consider the possibility?
Paraphrasing Art Bell speaking on the radio about the giant ham radio
antenna he built - """The strangest thing, I put a volt meter to my antenna
and it read 200 volts - It's not hooked to the grid or hooked to any power
supply - I can't figure out where this voltage is coming from - sometimes it
is there sometimes it is not - I'm baffled."""
"I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive
device." More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic
rays and I can now state that I have succeeded." In 1933, in an article for
the New York American, November 1st, under the lead in "Device to Harness
Cosmic Energy Claimed by Tesla." This new power for the driving of the
world's machinery will be derived from the energy, which operates the
universe, the cosmic energy....... that is everywhere present in unlimited
3. What did Art Bell Build?
Art Bell's W6OBB 5-Acre Antenna Farm Shows a 1595-foot circumference
dual-loop antenna.
The thirteen white poles above are 75 feet high. They support a two-wire loop antenna with a 1595-foot circumference. Because there are two vertically spaced loops, the poles support 3190-feet of wire.
4. Quick review Basic electricity generation.
The generator is based on the principle of "electromagnetic induction" discovered in 1831 by Michael Faraday. He discovered that if an electric conductor, like a copper wire, is moved through a magnetic field, electric current will flow (be induced) in the conductor. So the mechanical energy of the moving wire is converted into the electric energy of the current that flows in the wire.
5. Mechanism of Art Bells Tesla Fuel less Generator.
A large copper wire coil (antenna) is moved through the earth’s magnetic field at a speed of just over 1000 miles per hour (speed of earths rotation). Instead of generating electricity at 60 cycles per second - Arts Tesla Fuel less Generator generates electricity at 1 cycle per 24 hours. When Art measures voltage at time X he gets 200 volts. Voltage measured at time X + 6hrs he gets 0 volts.
6. Future considerations -
A. Can we convert 1 cycle per 24 hrs to 60 cycles per second?
B. Can we charge batteries by reversing the polarity of the leads every 12 hours?
--T. S. Vergith, M.D.