In her July 31 letter, PennFuture's Jan Jarrett displayed an
invincible ignorance of the laws of economics. The proposed state
mandate on Pennsylvania power plants, which offers no measurable
benefits to human health or environmental quality, would impose huge
costs on electricity providers, resulting in powerfully negative effects
on our economy.
"Installing pollution controls creates jobs by creating productive
work," Jarrett blithely asserts. In fact, electricity providers may
decide the unscientific, politically-motivated mandate is too expensive
to meet and will choose to shut down operations rather than make
uneconomical upgrades. This in turn will reduce the amount of
electricity available to Pennsylvania consumers, resulting in higher
prices for everyone.
Contrary to her assertions, the volume of power generation provided
by coal-fired plants simply cannot be replaced with wind power, solar
panels or any other fashionable "alternative" source. The proposed
mandate is nothing more than a new energy tax that will create a further
drag on Pennsylvania's competitiveness.
As consumers demand record levels of electricity to cope with the
August heat, Pennsylvania lawmakers should defend the public interest
and thwart the efforts of environmental extremists to raise energy
prices. DAVID N. TAYLOR Executive Director, Pennsylvania Manufacturers'
Association Harrisburg