Rich Countries Like
Poor Face Water Crisis
August 16, 2006 — By Reuters
GENEVA — Rich countries have to make
drastic changes to policies if they are to avoid the water crisis that is
facing poorer nations, the WWF environmental organisation said on
In a survey of the situation across the industrialised world, it said many
cities were already losing the battle to maintain water supplies as
governments talked about
conservation but failed to implement their pledges.
"Supporting large-scale industry and growing populations using water at
high rates has come close to exhausting the water supplies of some First
World cities and is a looming threat for many, if not most, others," the
report warned.
It suggested that agriculture in the richer countries should have to pay
more for water and be held responsible more actively for its efficient use
and for managing wastes, like salt, especially in intensive
livestock farming.
From Seville in Spain to Sacramento in California and Sydney in Australia,
the report said, water had become a key political issue at local, regional
and national levels as climate change and loss of
wetlands dramatically reduce supplies.
"At the rhetoric level, it is now generally accepted in the developed
world that water must be used more efficiently and that water must be made
available again to the environment in sufficient quantity for natural
systems to function.
"Many countries also recognise that extensive -- and very expensive --
repairs are required to reduce some of the damage inflicted on water
systems and catchments in the past," it said.
But it added: "Putting the rhetoric into practice in the face of habitual
practices and intense lobbying by vested interests has been very
In Europe, the report said, countries around the Atlantic are suffering
from recurring droughts, while in the Mediterranean region water resources
were being depleted by the boom in tourism and irrigated agriculture.
In Australia, already the world's driest continent, salinity had become a
major threat to a large proportion of key
farming areas, while in the United States wide areas
were using substantially more water than could be naturally replenished.
Even in Japan with its high rainfall, contamination of water supplies had
become a serious issue.
The overall picture, the WWF said, would only get worse in coming years as
warming brought lower rainfall and increased evaporation
of water and changed the pattern of snow melting from mountain areas.
The report proposed seven ways to tackle the problem:
conserving catchments and wetlands; balancing conservation and
consumption; changing attitudes to water; repairing ageing infrastructure;
increase charges to farmers for water use; reduce water contamination; and
more study of water systems.
Source: Reuters