Taking Care of Business

It's hard to read the news these days without seeing another story on climate. But the tenor of the coverage has changed markedly -- from "Is it real?" to "What do we do?" Indeed, finding a full-fledged debate about climate change's existence is rare these days. That's progress.

The "What do we do"? question is driving innovation. This past week, BP announced a new program to "neutralize" the driving-related emissions of U.K. drivers, while a new study by Ceres revealed dozens of new insurance products emerging to address climate challenges.

Whether the public is catching on is open for debate. For every study that suggests the public "gets it", there's another expert who is convinced that they don't.

The ultimate answer may be moot. The growing consensus in the business sector is that addressing climate change is a strategic business issue, one that can lead to better-run operations and, as BP and others have found. new sources of innovation and business opportunity. (See our sister site, ClimateBiz.com, for more on this.) That's the real news.

-- Joel Makower, Executive Editor

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