Air Force named nationīs largest green-energy buyer
Jan. 26

The U.S. Air Force is the nationīs largest purchaser of green energy, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyīs 2006 Green Power Top 25 list.

The EPA each year tracks green power purchases by members of its Green Power Partnership, a voluntary program that encourages the purchase of energy from environmentally preferable sources.

The EPAīs Green Power Partners purchase more than 4 million megawatt-hours of renewable energy, an increase of nearly 100 percent since the end of 2004.

The Air Force alone purchases more than 1 million megawatt-hours annually for use on bases across the country.

Whole Foods Market, an organic food retailer with 181 stores in North America and the United Kingdom, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency were the second and third largest purchasers of green power.

Green power - including solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, and low-impact biomass and hydro-resources - accounts for nearly 2 percent of Americaīs electricity supply.

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