Marine Water Invaders
on Most Wanted List
January 10, 2006 — By Beth Daley, Boston Globe
The sea slime alarm was sounded in
2002. Scientists discovered small, dense mats of a strange gooey
creature on the ocean floor more than 100 miles offshore. A year later,
the sea squirts had carpeted more than 6 square miles there and kept
going. Soon, the bizarre, stringy squirts were showing up in enormous
colonies in new places along the shoreline and fishermen began
complaining they were smothering shellfish beds.
State officials have surrendered any hope of slowing the sea squirts'
goopy spread, which may be making the seafloor inhospitable to fish
eggs. But they are determined to stop other marine invaders -- many of
which hitchhike accidentally across the ocean on ships -- from
establishing a foothold and harming fishing, tourism, or biodiversity.
Starting this summer, state officials will pay to train scores of
volunteers to scour the state's beaches and peer at the underside of
docks looking for any sign of invasive species. Armed with a marine Most
Wanted list -- a deck of 20 laminated cards picturing likely invaders --
the volunteers will collect information for a database being developed
with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant Program.
Officials hope the early discovery of potentially dangerous species will
help the state mobilize a strike team to eradicate them.
"We know this is really hard and we're just beginning," said Beth
Suedmeyer, invasive species specialist for the state Coastal Zone
Management office.
Despite hundreds of documented marine invasions in the United States,
officials have been able to contain only one: a fast-growing
Mediterranean seaweed introduced into two California lagoons in 2000
that was killed with chlorine.
"We're hoping there will be opportunities to Poll ID
stop does not exist. something . . . from
moving up the coast in the future," Suedmeyer said.
Invasive land species have long been the scourge of gardeners and
landscapers -- ask anyone who has tried to extract plants from the
choking grip of an oriental bittersweet vine. This month, Massachusetts
began banning more than 140 plants from being bought or sold in the
state because they are threatening native species.
The freshwater zebra mussel that arrived in the Great Lakes in 1988 is
the invasive species poster child, spreading to 20 states and
reproducing so densely it clogs drain pipes.
One alarming estimate places the economic cost to businesses from
invasive species as high as $100 billion a year, but scientists say no
one has accurately isolated how much of that is from marine species.
What's hard enough to control on land or in lakes has been nearly
impossible to identify in the sea's murky depths, where the animals are
often out of sight.
Scientists say they believe most of the marine invasive species are
sucked into ships' holds with tons of ballast water used to keep the
vessels steady on voyages, only to be silently discharged half a world
away into an environment where they may have few predators.
Scientists know of about 50 non-native species off New England's coast
that they probably can't do anything about, including a European seaweed
known as "dead man's finger" that arrived in the 1960s and is now being
tied to the destruction of cod and sea urchin habitat.
The US Coast Guard began a mandatory program in 2004 to require all
large ships traveling from overseas to exchange their ballast water with
ocean water at least 200 miles from shore, where there will be fewer
organisms to bring to a new port. Last month, the agency prohibited a
Panamanian-flagged ship traveling from the Bahamas to Boston from
entering the city's port until it went back out to sea and exchanged its
ballast water because the ship could not prove it had done so. The ship
did not have required records of when it took in and discharged ballast
But specialists say the invaders have many other ways to get here, such
as attaching to the hulls of boats, or contained in deliveries of
aquaculture, aquarium supplies, or live bait.
Scientists say some submerged invaders have probably been around since
Colonial days and people may mistakenly believe they are native.
But in recent years, a series of invasions have gotten scientists' full
attention. In 1992, a group of schoolchildren on a science trip in Woods
Hole spotted an inch-long crab scurrying on the rocky beach. It was an
Asian shore crab, and within several years it had spread to Boston. This
summer, it reached Acadia National Park in Maine. Discovered in New
Jersey in 1988, the crab eats almost anything it can find and scientists
say it is forcing out native populations of mud crabs and might also be
competing with lobsters or larger crabs for food.
The invasion news got worse with the sea squirt, which fishermen say
looks like fast-spreading pancake batter. There are other kinds of
non-native squirts off New England, but none is as feared as this kind,
known as Didemnum. The animals are a kind of superorganism, able to
reproduce both sexually and asexually so even a tiny fragment can form
new colonies. Nothing eats them, and where they came from and when is
In 2000, scientists began assessing exactly what was in New England
marine waters by descending on regions for a week at a time to count and
identify species, but the program provides only a snapshot of the
To help in the Bay State, Massachusetts gave Salem Sound Coastwatch, a
local nonprofit, a grant of $10,000 in 2004 to develop a pilot program
for average citizens to identify invasive marine species. Officials say
they cannot expect citizens to identify all species -- even taxonomists
have a hard time with that -- but citizens can identify certain foreign
creatures that have caused problems elsewhere.
The Salem program trained more than 50 people, and this year state
officials have about $20,000 to help train about five more nonprofit
Now, state officials, along with a coalition of other New England
officials and scientists, are trying to develop a plan in case they find
a potentially dangerous invader. Possibilities include simply pulling
the creatures out of the water or sand by hand and throwing them away,
or using pesticides or parasites that can be targeted to the invasive
"The best approach is get them early because you don't know what is
going to happen, " said David Delaney, a doctoral student at McGill
University who is helping to create a network of citizen groups in the
Northeast to identify invasive marine species. "It is roulette."
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Source: Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News