PSC Recommends RE,
CHP as Quick Fixes for Projected Supply Shortage
A new report issued by the Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC)
concludes that the state must act to ensure the future reliability of
its electric supply. By 2009, growing demand for electricity will
require that certain measures be undertaken to keep power flowing
through the state's grid, according to the report.
The PSC issued an order in October 2005 (Case No. U-14231) directing
the commission's staff to begin a Capacity Need Forum (CNF) with two
goals: (1) to determine whether Michigan's electric generating
capacity will be adequate to meet the growing demand for electricity,
especially given the likely retirement of some of the state's older
generating units, and assuming additional resources are needed, what
types of resources would be best for Michigan; and (2) to provide
guidance to the MPSC on rate-making policies and methodologies to
allow recovery of utility investment in electric generation resource
The report includes the following findings:
- Peak electric power demand is projected to increase at an annual rate
of about 2.1%.
- By 2009, unless enhancements to existing supplies are
undertaken, growing demand will cause existing electric generation
and transmission capacity in the Lower Peninsula to be insufficient
to maintain reliability standards.
- Resource enhancements available could include a wide variety of
near-term options, including additional demand-side options (energy
efficiency improvements, load management, and demand-response
programs) and generally faster-to-complete supply-side options such
as transmission improvements, natural gas combustion turbines or
combined cycle generators, renewable energy, and
combined-heat-and-power (CHP) systems.
- Demand growth, coupled with the expected retirements of some of
Michigan's existing base load power plants, will necessitate the
addition of one or two base load plants by 2014.
The 60-page report,
Michigan Capacity Need Forum: Staff Report to the Michigan Public
Service Commission, was issued in January 2006.