Philippine gov't
imposes zero tariff on vehicles powered by alternative energy
Jan 26, 2006 - Xinhua English Newswire
Philippine gov't imposes zero tariff on vehicles powered by
alternative energy
MANILA, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo Thursday issued an order to make components, parts and
accessories for the assembly of vehicles powered by alternative energy
sources such as biodiesel, bioethanol, compressed natural gas (CNG) and
electricity tariff-free to reduce the country's dependence on imported
Arroyo issued Executive Order No. 488 imposing zero import duty on
components, parts and accessories for the assembly of hybrid, electric,
flexible fuel and CNG motor vehicles.
"It is the declared policy of the government to promote the judicious
conservation and efficient utilization of energy resources in light of
the continuing increase in world prices of imported fuel oil," Arroyo
said in her order.
The President earlier had set a target of 5 percent reduction in fuel
consumption by road transport users.
"There is a need to promote the efficient use of fuel in the
transport sector, being one of the highest fuel consuming sectors, " the
president said.
She noted the emerging alternative fuel vehicle technology presented
opportunities for improving energy efficiency of transportation in
support of the government's energy independence agenda.
The president has also established a "Comprehensive Industrial Policy
and Directions for the Motor Vehicle Development Program" that would
provide for the development of the Philippines as a manufacturing hub
for certain motor vehicles, parts and components.
Current rates of import duty for motor vehicle parts and components
are 1 percent and 3 percent for Most Favored Nation ( MFN) and Common
Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) respectively.
CEPT rate applies for importations coming from the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries while the MFN rate applies for
importations coming from non-ASEAN countries.
The development and promotion of indigenous alternative fuels is one
of the key pillars of the Arroyo Administration's energy independence
Through increased utilization, the government hopes to reduce our
country's dependence on imported fuels and thereby lessen our
vulnerability to the volatility of world oil prices.
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