Feb 28 - The Daily Oklahoman

As natural gas and oil prices continue to soar, Oklahomans are on the prowl for alternative energy sources, and legislation passed Monday could open the market even more to those seeking solar and wind energy.

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. announced earlier this month that it had sold all of its available wind-generated electricity and had to start a waiting list to help accommodate other customers interested in the program.

But House Bill 2447 by state Rep. James Covey would open the market to smaller businesses offering alternative energy. The bill would authorize the Corporation Commission to award grants on a competitive-bid basis to individuals or businesses that develop pilot programs to establish economically viable, small renewable-energy projects.

"Renewable energy is the future and has the ability to power our society indefinitely," said Covey, D-Custer City. "The ultimate benefit for our citizens is that it isn't subject to sharp price changes like natural gas and oil."

The bill would require at least three grants to be awarded for small wind-power projects and at least three for small hydroelectric projects.

Also passing the full House on Monday was House Bill 2512, by Rep. Randy Terrill, R-Moore. It offers Oklahoma consumers tax credits for installing wind, solar or geothermal energy equipment.

Demand for alternative energy can be seen in the response to OG&E's wind power program. More than 10,000 customers had signed up for at least partial participation in the program earlier this month in what the utility repeatedly said was one of the fastest-growing renewable energy programs in the country.

Kylah McNabb, coordinator for the Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative, said the tax incentives could encourage more participation in alternative energy programs, as well as those businesses selling the up-and-coming energy source.

"I get a number of calls a week from people who would like to provide economical wind power, but the process is hard and the incentives aren't there," McNabb said.

Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode said in the past decade Oklahoma has moved from having practically no wind power to being a national leader in the field of alternative energy. Bode said the bill is part of a package of alternative energy bills that, if passed, will diversify the state's energy portfolio. The only question Bode said was left unanswered is whether the funding for such programs will come from the federal or state government.

HB 2447 passed Monday in the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Regulatory Services, and will now move to the House Appropriations and Budget Committee for consideration.

House Bill 2367 passed the Oklahoma House on a 95-6 vote and will go to the Senate for a hearing.


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Bill Would Grant Alternative Energy Aid