Bush Administration Sued to
Protect Arizona Bald Eagles
March 31, 2006 — By the Center for Biological Diversity
PHOENIX, Ariz. — The Center for Biological Diversity and Maricopa Audubon
filed a lawsuit today against the U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service. The agencies failed to respond to a petition to list
the Southwestern desert nesting bald eagle as an endangered Distinct Population
Segment under the Endangered Species Act. The agencies are required by law to
respond to petitions within 90 days and to provide a final determination within
one year. The Center and Maricopa Audubon submitted the petition on October 6,
The desert nesting bald eagle is a non-migrating resident of the Southwest. They
have a limited range. Most live in Arizona. They are isolated behaviorally,
biologically and ecologically from other bald eagles. They breed earlier in the
season and do not interbreed with bald eagles that nest elsewhere.
"The administration has chosen not to protect this distinct population," said
Dr. Robin Silver, Board Chair of the Center for Biological Diversity.
The bald eagle is America's national symbol. It is also heralded as a symbol of
the success of the Endangered Species Act. The eagle was listed as endangered
under the Act in 1978 which invoked special management and protections for the
species. Since listing, populations have rebounded nationwide, and the
administration has called for removal of all bald eagles from the list.
"Arizona desert nesting bald eagles are an important part of our heritage, yet
they continue to face increasing risks. They will not survive without Endangered
Species Act protection. This suit will force the administration to do more to
protect Arizona's bald eagles, not less," said Maricopa Audubon Conservation
Chair Bob Witzeman.
In the Southwest, stream dewatering, habitat destruction, human population
encroachment and harassment still threaten the bald eagle. Mortality of
fledglings and adults remain uncharacteristically high here. Since 1983, 16
percent of all fledglings have survived owing to human intervention. In some
years, up to 60 percent are saved.
In the 2004 petition, the Center and Maricopa Audubon presented evidence that
desert nesting bald eagles face a high risk of extinction within 57 to 82 years.
Review of the 2004 and 2005 data yields essentially the same results.
Silver said, "The protections currently in place with listing are not enough to
sustain the Southwestern population in the long-term. Losing Endangered Species
Act protection dooms the bald eagles in Arizona to certain extinction."
Federal actions continue to threaten desert nesting bald eagles. Low-flying
aircraft commonly harass and flush incubating eagles from their nests,
interrupting their breeding and nesting cycles. Other federal actions approved
by the Fish and Wildlife Service are responsible for at least 29 southwestern
desert nesting bald eagle deaths in the last decade. Federal actions are
projected to cumulatively result in the death of 491 eagles over the next 50
years. Approximately 30 percent of occupied nesting territories in Arizona may
be impacted by planned federal projects.
"Removal of the bald eagle from the endangered species list will allow federal
actions to take place without analysis or mitigation. Commitments by the Arizona
Game and Fish Department to continue a Nestwatch program will not address
federal actions, continued habitat degradation, or declines in population over
time," said Silver.
The Center and Maricopa Audubon are represented by Center staff attorney Erik
Ryberg in this suit.
The Center for Biological Diversity is a non-profit conservation organization
with over 18,000 members dedicated to the protection of imperiled species and
their habitats.
Contact Info:
Robin Silver, M.D.
Board Chair, Center for Biological Diversity
Tel: 602-246-4170
Bob Witzeman
Conservation Chair, Maricopa Audubon Society
Tel: 602-840-0052
Website :
the Center for Biological Diversity