China to cut
energy consumption by 4 percent in 2006
Mar 5, 2006 - Xinhua English Newswire
Writethru: China to cut energy consumption by 4 percent in 2006
BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- China will strive to chop down its
energy consumption rate by 4 percent this year, a key index to guide
economic and social development, Premier Wen Jiabao announced here
"Energy consumption per unit of GDP should fall by about 4 percent in
2006," said Wen while delivering a report on government work at the
opening meeting of the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's
Congress (NPC), the top legislature.
It is the first time that China combines energy-efficiency with the
indexes of economic growth, price, employment and balance of payments
for macro-control of its economy.
"Energy-efficiency is indeed a key economic index, but few
governments have made it a national policy," Jiang Xinmin, an expert
with the Energy Institute under the State Development and Reform
China is determined to reduce energy consumption per unit of gross
domestic product (GDP) by 20 percent in the coming five years, a new
round of economic and social development beginning this year, Wen said
in his report, which includes the draft outline of the 11th Five-Year
(2006-2010) program for examination and approval by the legislature.
Necessitated by the country's current conditions and long-term
interests, these targets are designed to tackle the mounting pressure on
resources and environment and provide a clear guide for policy making,
Wen addressed the 2,927 NPC deputies present at the meeting held at the
Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing.
"Though achieving them will be quite difficult, we have the
confidence and determination to succeed," Wen said, showing that China
is resolved to build a resources-saving and environment- friendly
China must reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by an annual
rate of at least 4.4 percent in a bid to fulfill the five- year target,
experts said.
The index will from now on become a substantial indicator measuring
economic performance, said Jiang.
Official statistics show that the total volume of energy consumption
in China last year was equal to 2.22 billion tons of standard coal, up
9.5 percent over that in 2004 and lower than the 9.9-percent economic
growth rate. Energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (1,250 U.S. dollars) of
GDP was equivalent to 1.43 tons of standard coal, roughly the same level
as that in 2004.
China saw its economic volume quadrupled in the last two decades of
the 20th century largely due to huge investment and doubled energy
consumption. However, the obvious conflict between environment
protection and booming economic growth challenged China's future
The premier called for the establishment of various standards for
conserving energy, water, land and materials in all industries, and the
development of environment-friendly products, projects and buildings.
Wen added that energy-efficiency index of all regions and major
industries will be released to the public on an annual basis. In this
sense, the public will be mobilized to join in the long-term campaign of
energy and resources conservation in a bid to bolster a recyclable
economy and an environment-friendly society.
Although rich in natural resources in terms of its vast territory,
China is in short supply of resources in terms of its 1. 3 billion
population, said Sun Zhaoxue, vice president of China Aluminum Co., Ltd.
The per capita sum of arable land, water, mineral resources and
energy resources in China is about 50 percent, 32 percent, 47 percent
and 39 percent respectively of the world's average figure. However,
energy consumption per 10,000 U.S. dollars of output value in China is
3.4 times of the world's average level, said Sun, also an NPC deputy.
China ranks among the world's most wasteful users of natural
resources, according to a latest survey by the Chinese Academy of
Sciences. Actually, China stands at the 54th position out of 59
countries surveyed.
The volume of carbon dioxide discharge per unit of GDP in China is
about 68 times that of Japan, 26 times of Germany, and six times of the
United States, according to Sun.
The total volume of major pollutant discharges is set to drop 10
percent by 2010, according to the draft outline on economic and social
development for 2006-2010.
"China is stepping up economic restructuring and upgrading the
pattern of economic growth in the pursuit of higher quality and
efficiency rather than speed," Jiang noted.
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