Lovins, who has briefed two U.S. Presidents and 16 other heads of state on
energy policy and has long advised major energy firms and the Departments
of Energy and Defense, will report his organization’s dramatic new
finding: a business-led roadmap for getting the U.S. entirely off oil. He
will also explain why that’s not enough, because one of the biggest
threats to national security is national energy policy.
Lovins will testify that achieving energy independence and security
requires three actions: making domestic energy infrastructure, notably
electric and gas grids, resilient; phasing out, not expanding, vulnerable
facilities and unreliable fuel sources; and ultimately eliminating
reliance on oil from any source.
Thus, for example, U.S. policymakers should be concerned about recently
attacked Saudi oil facilities whose destruction could crash the global
economy; but they should be equally wary of creating an "all-American
Strait of Hormuz" by drilling for oil under the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, thus doubling and prolonging dependence on the vulnerable
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.
Lovins will also testify that over-centralized energy systems create
other tempting terrorist targets and make regional blackouts bigger and
more frequent. He will describe how nuclear power, another centerpiece of
Federal energy policy, encourages the spread of nuclear bombs-"correctly
identified by the President as the gravest threat to national security"-as
is now occurring in Iran.
Lovins will explain how these "self-inflicted security threats" can be
eliminated by cheaper, faster, more abundant, and security-enhancing
energy alternatives-both comprehensive efficiency and more diverse,
dispersed, renewable supplies-that are already winning in the global
marketplace. For example, decentralized power generation, a third of it
renewable, is already bigger than nuclear power and is growing many times
faster, simply because it cuts investors’ costs and risks.
Energy efficiency is even cheaper and probably bigger. Such quick,
affordable options would, he will suggest, make a better and safer offer
to India-modernizing the non-nuclear 97 percent of its electricity
system-than boosting the costly nuclear 3 percent.
Lovins’s testimony will emphasize Winning the Oil Endgame, an
independent, peer-reviewed, detailed, transparent, and uncontested RMI
study cosponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Chief
of Naval Research, and introduced by former Secretary of State George
Shultz and Shell ex-chairman Sir Mark Moody-Stuart. The study shows how
existing technologies and innovative business strategies and government
policies can eliminate U.S. oil use by the 2040s and revitalize the U.S.
economy, without needing new energy taxes, subsidies, mandates, or Federal
laws. Welcomed by business and military leaders, the RMI analysis is based
on competitive strategy for cars, trucks, planes, oil, and the military.
Such powerful forces as Wal-Mart and the Pentagon are already starting to
speed its implementation.
"The surest path to an energy policy that enhances security and
prosperity is free-market economics," Lovins’s prepared testimony
concludes: "letting all ways to save or produce energy compete fairly, at
honest prices, no matter which kind they are, what technology they use,
where they are, how big they are, or who owns them. That would make the
energy security, oil, climate, and most proliferation problems fade away,
and would make our economy and democracy far stronger."
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