Oil spill potential remains - WWF

Thursday 23 February 2006

The potential for a major oil spill around the UK coastline is still in evidence despite lessons learned from the Sea Empress incident a decade ago, says a new report commissioned by conservation group WWF. The report, which follows the recent Ece incident earlier this year, shows that while progress has been made in the area there is still work to do, most notably with the presence of an emergency towing vessel to cover the Irish Sea.

"Three of the world's worst oil tanker spills happened in UK waters. The ingredients are still present around our coast for another oil tanker incident," said Alison Champion, WWF marine policy officer.

It is hoped that the conclusions of the report will encourage relevant ecosystem-based measures in the Government’s forthcoming Marine Bill.

"The UK needs to regularly assess new threats and create contingency plans. This report highlights the gap between the threats and the protection our marine environment needs," added Alison Chapman.


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