Poll finds Ontario residents split on need for new nuclear plants
Philadelphia (Platts)--7Mar2006
A poll released Tuesday by an Ontario environmental group found the
province's electricity consumers strongly support energy efficiency,
renewable energy and the provincial government's plan to shut down Ontario
Power Generation's remaining coal stations by early 2009, but are evenly split
on whether the province should develop new nuclear plants.
The poll, commissioned by the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, found that 89%
of respondents "totally support" government efforts to enhance conservation
and energy efficiency, while 89% support the development of renewable projects
such as wind farms and biomass-fired plants.
The poll also found that 74% support new hydroelectric projects, but only
49% support new gas-fired plants, and only 36% support new nuclear plants.
OCAA said 19% oppose new gas-fired plants and 36% oppose new nuclear plants.
Further, the poll found that 55% of respondents agree with the
government's plan for coal-fired generation, while 29% oppose it. The group
said 65% of those surveyed support its position that the province meet its
future electricity needs by conservation and energy efficiency, new renewable
power, and gas-fired plants as opposed to new nuclear reactors.
The Ontario government is in the midst of reviewing the Ontario Power
Authority's December 9 report that calls for the province to improve its
currently tight capacity-supply situation over time by adding nuclear,
gas-fired capacity and wind power.
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