Senators opt for target,
instead of mandate, on renewable energy in Missouri
Associated Press Writer
The Republican-led Senate shot down
a proposed mandate that electric utilities make more use of renewable energy
sources, instead endorsing a bill Monday that would set goals for only certain
utilities to try to meet.
Democrats and Republicans alike this year
are touting the need to tap into renewable energy sources, such as the sun,
wind, water and agricultural products. But Republicans are reluctant to set a
requirement, which is preferred by many Democrats, because of fears it could
lead to higher costs.
A Democratic amendment to require all electric utilities to get at least 10
percent of their power from renewable sources by 2021 was defeated on a 22-10
vote, with Sen. Frank Barnitz, of Lake Spring, the only Democrat voting in
opposition with Republicans.
Senators by voice vote then gave first-round approval to the underlying bill by
Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, which directs the state's four
investor-owned utilities to “make a good faith effort” to get 10 percent of
their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.
Those investor-owned utilities - AmerenUE, Kansas City Power & Light Co., Aquila
Inc. and The Empire District Electric Co. - serve more than 1.8 million
customers, about 63 percent of all electricity customers statewide, according to
the U.S. Department of Energy.
The goal would not apply to municipal and cooperative utilities, which supply
electricity to the rest of Missouri.
“Targets, rather than mandates, are preferable because we don't know what the
economic impacts of mandates would be,” said Chuck Caisley, president of the
Missouri Energy Development Association, whose members include the
investor-owned utilities.
Twenty-one states already have some sort of mandate or target for the use of
renewable energy sources by utilities.
The Missouri chapter of the Sierra Club said the goals in some states have not
been too effective at achieving a greater reliance on renewable energy sources.
“We feel the mandates are required to really push renewable energy forward,”
said Carla Klein, director of the state Sierra Club.
Koster said his self-titled “Green Power Initiative” is a prudent,
cost-effective way to gradually increase the use of renewable energy sources. It
sets a goal of selling 3 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2012 -
a mark Caisley said could already be met. The bill sets a 7 percent goal by 2015
and increases to 10 percent five years later.
“Missouri is not among the forefront of environmentally progressive states,”
Koster said while explaining the goal to colleagues, “and I've been cautious in
crafting this bill not to make it too aggressive.”
Energy bill is SB915.
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