The Easy Solution to Household Pollution

March 08, 2006 — By DLD Communications

CLEARWATER, Fla. — "Cleaning up environmental pollution really begins at home," says consumer advocate Debra Lynn Dadd. "Every time we use a toxic product at home, it ends up in the air, or goes down the drain into waterways, in addition to the toxic pollution that occurs during its manufacture."

The solution is to use nontoxic products at home. Dadd has made this easy to do with her book "Home Safe Home: Creating a Healthy Home Environment by Reducing Exposure to Toxic Household Products" (New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2004). In an easy-to-read format, Dadd guides the reader through all the exposures to toxic chemicals one is likely to encounter in a typical American home, tells what the toxic chemicals are and their health effects, and offers safe alternatives.

Some of the exposures are predictable, like toxic cleaning products and pesticides, but others--and their health effects--are less well-known. The formaldehyde in permanent-press finish on bedsheets, for example, can cause insomnia.

The book is filled with the kind of practical advice that comes from more than twenty years of living a nontoxic life. Dadd is well-recognized for her expertise. Type her name into Google, and you'll get more than 5,000 results to website after website recommending her book.

In addition to the book, Dadd also offers links to websites that sell nontoxic products on Debra's List (, her free online directory of all things good for health and the environment. She also publishes free newsletters.

"It's not necessary to live in a world, as we do now, where babies are born polluted with toxic chemicals their mothers were exposed to," says Dadd. "All the products are now available to live virtually toxic-free at home, it's just a matter of choice."

Though "Home Safe Home" warns of toxic dangers in everyday products, at heart it's a good news book. For in the end, the reader comes away with the message one really can create a healthy home.

Debra Lynn Dadd has been a leading consumer advocate for health and the environment since 1982. Her books have been continuously in print for twenty years. A new revised edition of her book "Home Safe Home" was published by Tarcher/Penguin in 2004. She lives in Clearwater, Florida.

Contact Info:

Debra Lynn Dadd
Owner, DLD Communications
Tel : 727-466-6812

Website : DLD Communications