Winter Warmest Ever on
Record in Canada
March 14, 2006 — By Associated Press
TORONTO — The winter of 2005-2006 has
been Canada's warmest on record and the federal agency Environment
Canada said Monday it was investigating whether it's a sign of global
Between December and February, the country was 3.9 degrees above normal
-- the warmest winter season since temperatures were first recorded in
1948. Environment Canada climatologist Bob Whitewood said it smashed the
previous record set in 1987 by 0.9 degrees.
"We saw it coming from mid-January on that we were seeing something
quite remarkable," Whitewood said.
The experience has been similar south of the border where the U.S.
National Climatic Data Center said the winter has been the fifth warmest
on record. December through February are considered meteorological
It was especially balmy in Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest
Territories, where temperatures were 6 to 8 degrees above normal.
Whitewood said the last 10 winters have been warmer than normal and
along with this winter reflect a trend that could be explained as global
warming. He said Environment Canada would spend the next year examining
the data to see if it's an aberration or evidence of a trend.
While some Canadians have been delighted by the milder winter, many are
disappointed about thinner ice for ice skating and hockey and less snow
in the ski resorts. Several islands off Nova Scota were inundated by
thousands of pregnant seals forced to give birth on shore by unusually
mild weather that has prevented the Gulf of St. Lawrence from freezing.
Source: Associated Press