Airlines seek to downplay
global warming impact of aviation,
26 April 2006 - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) wants
to "kill some persistent myths" on the issue. Their arguments are
rebutted by environmentalists who claim that the figures are biased.
With air traffic and related greenhouse gas emissions growing
steadily, the Commission suggested last year capping CO2 emissions for
all airplanes departing from EU airports (EurActiv
27 Sept. 2005). The proposal, expected to be formally tabled later
this year, would set a cap on CO2 emissions from airlines and allow them
to trade their surplus 'pollution credits' on the EU-wide 'carbon
market' (Emissions Trading Scheme,
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated in
1999 report that air traffic contributes to about 3.5% of the total
human activities linked to climate change. This share is expected to
grow to 5% by 2050.
In Europe, the share of aviation in greenhouse gas emissions is still
modest, at about 3% of the total, according to the European Commission.
But it is concerned that emissions are growing faster than in any other
sector and risk undermining progress achieved through emission cuts in
other areas of the economy, mainly in the energy sector and
energy-intensive industries.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents
the global airline industry, on 25 April issued a
5-point brief aimed at killing what it describes as "some persistent
myths" about the environmental impact of aviation.
The five "myths" identified by IATA centre around allegations that
air transport is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Here are
some of the figures that IATA puts forward to "debunk" the myths:
- Air transport contributes a small part of global CO2 emissions-2%
- Over the last 40 years emissions per passenger kilometre have
decreased by 70%
- Airline fuel efficiency improved 20% in the last decade
- 80% of aviation emissions are related to flights over 1,500 km for
which there is no alternative mode of transport
The IATA arguments are however contested by the European Federation
for Transport and Environment, an environmental NGO. In a point-by-point
rebuttal, T&E argues that:
- The 2% figure refers to CO2 emissions, not other climate impacts
such as aviation-induced cirrus clouds
- The 2% figure is from 1992 which fails to include the explosion in
growth of global aviation in the last fifteen years
- The true global contribution to climate change of aviation is
between 4 and 9%, depending on the impact of aviation-induced cirrus
- Aircraft fuel efficiency has not improved at all. Typical
passenger aircraft of the 1950s were as fuel efficient as typical
modern jets.
Latest & next steps:
- First half 2006: Commission
expert group to submit report on technical aspects of integrating
aviation in EU-ETS
- End 2006: Commission to table a formal legislative proposal to
integrate aviation in EU-ETS. It would have to be adopted by the
European Parliament and member states at the EU Council of Ministers,
a process which usually takes two to three years
EU official documents
EU Actors positions
This article is reproduced with kind permission of
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