Despite all the
dangers, city boses say: We must have nuclear power
May 19, 2006 - The Birmingham Post
Birmingham business leaders have welcomed Prime Minister Tony Blair's
announcement that nuclear power will be put back on the agenda to combat
the country's impending power crisis.
Nearly 60 per cent of companies that took part in a Birmingham
Chamber of Commerce and Industry survey said an energy shortage could
potentially disrupt their production.
On the strength of that, the chamber has been campaigning for a
programme to build new nuclear capacity.
Responding to Mr Blair's announcement, chamber policy executive
Charlotte Ritchie said: "Businesses require a substantial level of
energy usage to function and given current economics and the UK's
responsibility to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions through the
Kyoto targets, they see nuclear as the only realistic option.
"However, nuclear will not solve the problem on its own.
"A balance of renewable energy sources along with gas and nuclear
needs to be found to deliver a sustainable supply in the long term.
"Diversity of supply is crucial to maintaining security. It is vital
we the development and maintenance of a wide range of energy sources are
promoted to avoid the vulnerability of over dependence on one prime
"Renewable energy sources should play a larger part in supplies, but
are unlikely to be able to produce the necessary level of consistent
supply required by industrial and consumer demand."
Ms Ritchie stressed the chamber's opinion that no more than 50 per
cent of the UK's energy should come from one source.
"The country must have a balanced approach to energy supply and
should aim to be self sustainable," she said.
"Tax breaks for those companies willing to invest in R&D for new
technology would be necessary and will benefit the UK economy in the
long term, by enabling UK companies to export knowledge and technology.
"The West Midlands as a region has a lot to offer in terms of
providing the skills, maufacuring expertise and research and development
for a new nuclear industry and we hope that this announcement will bring
significant business opportunities for our region's companies."
Mr Blair said on Tuesday that Britain risked being totally dependent
on foreign supplies of energy unless it built up to 20 modern reactors.
The plan is to site the new reactors within existing nuclear power
stations in an attempt to avoid objections.
Pre-empting the Government's forthcoming energy review, he said he
was faced with "stark evidence" that nuclear should be put back on the
agenda "with a vengeance".
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