Performance problems continue at Perry, Point Beach nukes: US NRC

Washington (Platts)--16May2006

FirstEnergy's Perry nuclear plant in Ohio and Wisconsin Electric Power's
Point Beach nuclear unit in Wisconsin continued to show significant
performance problems last year, senior managers with the US Nuclear Regulatory
Commission said Tuesday.

The agency officials, however, reported that performance at FirstEnergy's
Davis-Besse plant, which had been under increased NRC oversight since April
2002, has been operating under a more normal agency review process since July

NRC commissioners were briefed at the annual agency action review
meeting, which includes an overview of the performance of operating reactors
and fuel cycle and other materials licensees, industry trends, and the
effectiveness of NRC's oversight process. While three licensees were discussed
at last year's meeting, none had performance that reached the threshold for
discussion this year, said Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Director Jack Strosnider.

Noting that Point Beach's performance has been discussed for four
consecutive years, Commissioner Jeffrey Merrifield said he believed that top
executives of plants "languishing" in Column 4 -- those with significant
performance problems -- should have to come before the commission.

Nuclear Management Co operates Point Beach and FirstEnergy Nuclear
Operating runs Perry.

---Jenny Weil,

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