US nuclear industry announces groundwater radiation initiative

Washington (Platts)--9May2006

The operators of all US nuclear power plants have agreed to a new
"voluntary policy to enhance detection, management and communication about
inadvertent radiological releases in groundwater," the Nuclear Energy
Institute said Tuesday. The industry initiative was announced at a meeting
earlier Tuesday with Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff.

"The new industrywide program recognizes that, even though radioisotopes
have not been detected off-site" at US nuclear power plants "at levels that
would jeopardize public health, the industry should adopt a higher standard of
excellence that goes beyond what NRC regulations require," Ralph Andersen of
NEI said.

By July 31, every company operating or decommissioning a nuclear power
plant will have established an "action plan to ensure timely detection and
effective response to inadvertent radiological releases in groundwater";
submitted a report to the NRC within 30 days if any sample of on-site
groundwater that may be used as drinking water exceeds limits already in place
for offsite samples; and notified state and local officials in a timely
manner, NEI said.

In the wake of tritium leaks at plants in Illinois and New York, the NRC
has also established a task force on liquid radioactive effluents, which will
report its recommendations by August 31.

--Steven Dolley,

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