Eastern Power Limited. (EPL) announced today the registration of its Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Reductions under the Canadian Standards Association GHG Registries Program for Climate Change. GHG reductions totalling 25 million tonnes have resulted from EPL's efforts to date; making it Canada's largest corporate responder to reversing GHG-related climate change problems. These reductions are net of all EPL emissions, and therefore represent surplus credits.

Gregory M. Vogt, president of Toronto-based EPL, stated, "We have been operating our renewable energy facilities since the early 1990's and these GHG reductions provide a significant contribution to Canada's reduction commitment of 240 million tonnes/year". EPL's facilities produce and supply power to Ontario's electricity grid from biogas as acquired from two municipal waste landfills, and also from natural gas. Environment Canada has reviewed such projects; reporting their substantial contributions to GHG reductions from both avoiding landfill GHG emissions to the atmosphere and also by providing electrical power without the need for GHG-emitting fossil fuels. Benefits from utilizing natural gas are related to lessening the needs to burn coal for power production. EPL monitors various emissions from its facilities on an ongoing basis and has already provided registered reductions for other environmentally important pollutants including smog producing NOx.

EPL is a private, growing, independent power producer in Ontario with a portfolio of renewable energy projects and advanced technologies that are capable of producing sustainable energy with biofuels. The Company is also the developer of one of the first selected new clean power generation facilities resulting from Ontario's Clean Energy Supply Contracts. EPL's corporate mission is to provide clean environmentally responsive energy through use of advanced technologies and is pleased to announce today's contribution to Ontario's Climate Change commitments, as part of Canada's global GHG reduction obligations. Mr. Vogt also stated, "Our various technologies and projects will continue to provide substantial climate change and other environmental benefits".

Background Info:

Canada and Kyoto: http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/kyoto/timeline.html

Environment Canada on EPL Facility: www.ec.gc.ca/nopp/lfg/en/issue4.cfm 

Canadian GHG Registry: http://www.ghgregistries.ca/ 

SOURCE: Eastern Power Ltd

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Canadian company registers 25 million tonnes of Greenhouse Gas reductions