Pennsylvania's Green Energy Initiatives Earn Praise from Leading Environmental Group
Sep 21, 2006 - PR Newswire

HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell today thanked Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture) for recognizing the commonwealth's leadership on energy issues and strides to adopt and implement more green technologies in state operations.


PennFuture today presented the commonwealth with a Special Green Leadership Award, citing the Governor's commitment to increase Pennsylvania's green electricity purchases making it the largest state purchaser of green electricity.


The environmental group also honored Governor Rendell in 2005 with the Green Power Policy Maker Award.


"Pennsylvania is leading the national drive toward energy independence," said Governor Rendell. "We are leveraging our purchasing power and targeting our resources to encourage the development of renewable energy technology across the commonwealth. By investing in this rapidly advancing field, we are protecting our environment and creating new economic opportunities for all Pennsylvanians.


"I am proud that our efforts are being recognized by PennFuture, a group with a strong reputation for environmental concern. Throughout the past four years, we have made a lot of progress; we've reduced energy consumption in state office buildings, added hybrid vehicles to our fleet; supported renewable energy businesses; and made substantial investments across the state to clean the environment. However, we recognize that there is more to do, and we will continue to push more home-grown energy solutions for the sake of our citizens and future generations."


James P. Creedon, Secretary of the Department of General Services, accepted the PennFuture award on behalf of the commonwealth. Creedon also serves as co-chairman of the Governor's Green Government Council.


"Our agency's mission has been to squeeze every nickel we can out of our energy management plan," said Creedon. "By aggressively negotiating a better energy buy for Pennsylvania's taxpayers, we have increased our options for more competitive energy prices in the future, while decreasing our reliance on traditional energy sources that can narrow our options for competitive rates."


In August, Governor Rendell announced the commonwealth would increase from 10 percent to 20 percent the amount of renewable energy it purchases. By modifying its existing contract with Community Energy Inc., Pennsylvania will now purchase 200,000 megawatt hours a year from renewable sources, such as wind and hydroelectric energy, at a premium rate of only 0.34 cents per kilowatt hour.


The contract calls for electricity that is generated 40 percent from wind power and 60 percent from hydroelectric sources. Both produce electricity with zero emissions of air pollution. The 200,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy represent avoided emissions of 951 tons of sulfur dioxide, 271 tons of nitrogen oxide and 123,410 tons of carbon dioxide. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide contribute to acid rain, fine particulate pollution and regional haze, while nitrogen oxide is also a key component of smog. Carbon dioxide is one of the most potent greenhouse gases.


The enhanced purchase makes Pennsylvania the largest state purchaser of green electricity and ranks Pennsylvania 12th on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Top 25 Green Power Partners list.


August's announcement marks the second time Governor Rendell has doubled the state renewable energy purchase. Shortly after taking office in 2003, the Governor required state facilities to meet 10 percent of their energy needs through renewable energy sources.


Pennsylvania is a national leader in energy efficiency with more than three dozen buildings certified by the U.S. Green Building Council under the internationally recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program. Eight of the certified buildings are state facilities. Another 129 Pennsylvania buildings are registered for LEED certification.


PennFuture is a statewide public interest membership organization that advances policies to protect and improve the state's environment and economy. With offices in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and West Chester, PennFuture's activities include litigating cases before regulatory bodies and in local, state and federal courts, advocating and advancing legislative action on a state and federal level, public education and assisting citizens in public advocacy.


The Rendell Administration is committed to creating a first-rate public education system, protecting our most vulnerable citizens and continuing economic investment to support our communities and businesses. To find out more about Governor Rendell's initiatives and to sign up for his weekly newsletter, visit his Web site at:


CONTACT: Michael Smith, Pennsylvania Office of the Governor, +1-717-783-1116; or Edward Myslewicz (DGS), +1-717-787-3197.


SOURCE Pennsylvania Office of the Governor



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