EERE Network News - 11/29/06
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced last week that it has allocated $800 million in "tax-credit" bonds for a total of 610 renewable energy projects to be located throughout the United States. Unlike normal bonds that pay interest, tax-credit bonds pay the bondholders by providing a credit against their federal income tax. In effect, the new tax-credit bonds, called "Clean Renewable Energy Bonds," will provide interest-free financing for certain renewable energy projects. Since the federal government essentially pays the interest via tax credits, the IRS needed to allocate such credits in advance to the lending authorities, which can be state or local governments or electrical cooperatives. The IRS allocated the Clean Renewable Energy Bonds under a new program established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The EERE Network News is also available on the Web at: |
IRS Allocates $800 Million in Clean Renewable Energy Bonds