California PUC
to Set Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has announced that it
will develop a cap on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the state's
Investor Owned Utilities and the non-utility companies that provide
electric power to customers within their service territories. The
commission also set the foundation for a process that will explore a
range of flexible compliance options in order to minimize the cost of
meeting the cap.
The commission will create a load-based cap that encompasses all of the
GHG emissions produced in the course of generating electricity to serve
utility customers. Imported energy and power produced within California
will be treated equally under this system.
As the details are worked out over the coming months, a key objective
will be ensuring that this system is compatible with any other GHG
cap-and-trade regime that may be developed in the future, either in
California, the Western Region, nationally, or internationally.
Therefore, the GHG emissions allowances associated with the commission's
load-based cap will be in the form of "tons of carbon-dioxide
equivalent." The commission plans to ultimately include all six of the
major GHGs under the load-based cap, as doing so becomes feasible.
In setting the cap and developing compliance mechanisms, the commission
will seek to minimize costs to ratepayers, while providing appropriate
incentives to utility managers and shareholders. The commission intends
to explore various approaches to flexible compliance, including banking,
offsets and trading. While the commission will consider establishing
penalties for under-compliance, it will also investigate the concept of
allowance sale incentives during the implementation phase. Under this
mechanism, the commission would certify GHG emission allowances based on
superior performance, as defined by the commission, that the utilities
could sell outside of California to the benefit of their shareholders.
The commission will continue to work with the Governor's Climate Action
Team to ensure that municipal utilities are also subject to a GHG
emissions reduction regime that will assist California in meeting the
state's aggressive GHG reduction goals.
"If we're going to deal with the greenhouse gas issue in California,
we're going to have to go down this road. With our decision today we are
joining in the pioneering efforts started in the Northeast and
Mid-Atlantic states with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative," said
PUC President Michael R. Peevey. "We hope that the parallel efforts on
both coasts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will help move the ball
forward on initiatives to reduce emissions and mitigate global climate
change in the United States and around the world."
Published 02/24/2006
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