LNG gets a firm
no -- sort of
Feb 17, 2006 - The Philadelphia Inquirer
Author(s): Michael Currie Schaffer
Feb. 17--In a 12-2 vote yesterday, City Council members declared
their intention to never ever allow the Philadelphia Gas Works to build
a liquefied-natural-gas importation facility along the Delaware River in
Philadelphia's Port Richmond section.
But although the nonbinding resolution declared Council's
"unqualified opposition to any project that would create an LNG shipping
terminal within the City of Philadelphia," several of those who
supported the measure moved quickly to add qualifications.
"I've made no commitment for or against it -- I would just like to be
fully informed," Councilman Jack Kelly said.
"I'm willing to revisit the issue if there's some reasonable response
from PGW," said Councilman Darrell L. Clarke, who also criticized the
utility for not providing enough information.
Even Councilwoman Joan L. Krajewski, who represents the neighborhood
and has warned of the dangers that she says will accompany the facility,
said she still expected Council to hold hearings after the city-owned
utility strikes a deal with an energy firm to build the facility.
But why pass a resolution that promises "not to enact any legislation
to implement" that project if you still intend to hold hearings?
"To be fair," Krajewski said, "so everyone will know about it."
Nonetheless, Krajewski said the vote represented the wishes of
residents who have worried that the effort could lead to environmental
disaster, terrorist attacks, or traffic that gets snarled if security
requirements mandate that bridges close when liquefied-natural-gas
tankers pass.
Krajewski's cosponsor, Councilman Frank DiCicco, said he thought
there would always be enough votes to stop the effort. Under city law,
Council would have to OK any contract to build the facility.
The vote came two weeks after Krajewski agreed to delay the
resolution in the face of massive lobbying by Mayor Street, labor unions
and Hess LNG, which is believed to be the front-runner for the contract.
At the time, Krajewski said she was agreeing to the delay because two
colleagues -- Clarke and Blondell Reynolds Brown -- said they needed to
learn more about it. Krajewski and Clarke both said yesterday that PGW
had not provided the information they sought.
Yesterday's vote appeared to catch many of Krajewski's colleagues by
surprise. The councilwoman huddled in the back of the chambers with a
succession of Council members, several of whom pressed to delay again.
But in the end, only Council members Michael A. Nutter and Rick
Mariano voted against the measure. "I literally don't know that much
about it," said Nutter, who declared himself undecided. "I'm not going
to close my eyes to a proposal that I don't know that much about."
Mariano, who has avoided the media since his federal corruption
indictment last fall, did not respond to questions from reporters. But
as he cast his vote in Council, he said: "I'm with Nutter."
Contact staff writer Michael Currie Schaffer at 215-854-4565 or
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