Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power Presents an Aggressive Plan for Energy
Efficiency for LA Region
Feb 16, 2006 - Business Wire
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Kim Hughes, 213-367- 4417
Cell phone: 213-792-9599
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) in a special
workshop for its Board of Commissioners, outlined an expanded strategy
for residential and non-residential energy efficiency programs. Based on
information gathered by a study conducted by Quantum Consulting Inc.,
LADWP outlined potential energy savings in key areas and proposed
programs to achieve the goals.
The presentation demonstrated that targeted efforts in energy
efficiency can result in lasting energy reduction. Some of the efforts
outlined include supporting energy efficient lighting systems, air
conditioning, as well as efficient appliances.
"As a steward of our precious natural resources in partnership with
our customers, the Department must be a leader in the efficient and
responsible use of energy," said LADWP Commission President Mary
Nichols. "Energy efficiency programs offer tangible ways for our
residential and commercial customers to save energy and save money. In
saving energy, we will also be making Los Angeles a greener City."
Programs such as the Consumer Rebate Program, Refrigerator Retire and
the Efficiency LA Programs would be expanded and extended through
December 31, 2006. Based on customer feedback, the Consumer Rebate
Program has been amended to again include $65 rebates on energy
efficient refrigerators. In addition a new $35 incentive has been added
to the Refrigerator Retire Program. This means LADWP will not only haul
away customers' old, energy guzzling refrigerators, but also will
provide them with a six-pack of energy efficient light bulbs and a $35
Reducing energy demand also will assist the LADWP in reaching its
goal of achieving 20% of its generation from renewable energy sources by
The Consumer Rebate Program provides cash rebates to residential
customers purchasing products that meet or exceed Energy Star efficiency
standards. These products include air conditioners, dual pane windows,
pool pumps and refrigerators. The Refrigerator Retire Program promotes
the recycling of extra, used refrigerators.
Energy Efficiency L.A. targets the Department's commercial and
industrial customers with heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
(HVAC), chiller, motors and commercial lighting incentive programs.
Additional commercial plans are being considered and will be part of a
formal plan that the board will review in the next month.
The board also discussed developing emission and climate goals for
the LADWP, as part of it overall energy strategy.
Some restrictions apply to the efficiency programs, and all programs
are subject to available funds. Energy Efficiency is part of the LADWP
environmental Green LA Programs that also includes solar power, local
renewable energy, Green Power, tree planting, and recycling activities.
The LADWP encourages all LA residents to use energy wisely. For
energy and water saving tips, and for more information on LADWP energy
saving programs, and environmental efforts, customers can log on to
www.ladwp.com or phone 1-800-GreenLA.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the nation's largest
municipally-owned utility, has served the residents and businesses of
the city for more than 100 years.
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