New waste consultation begins

Thursday 16 February 2006

The UK Government has launched a major new consultation on waste this week, in a bid to develop a more effective strategy. The consultation marks a change of emphasis from the current strategy by outlining a broader approach.

Among the new proposals included in the consultation are increased targets for household waste, a focus on eco-design and manufacturing in order to produce less waste in the first place, and renewed targets for business and industrial waste management.

"We all create waste, and so we all need to play a part in reducing the waste we produce and dealing with the waste we do produce more responsibly,” commented Minister for Local Environment Quality, Ben Bradshaw, launching the consultation.

"Fundamentally, the revised waste strategy is about reducing the environmental impact of waste: reducing the impact on climate change, conserving limited natural resources and reducing risk to health and the environment from potentially harmful substances in waste. It will be vital for everyone - from householders and builders to supermarkets and banks - to have their say in the Strategy and how it will take us towards our goals."

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