State of the Union: Funding is Key

Funding Essential to Energy Diversity

Press Release from Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

February 1, 2006


U.S. energy security hinges on providing reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible energy resources. We maintain the balance between these three energy priorities by developing and protecting our resource diversity.

Carlyn Elefant, CEO
Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

Without funding, Energy Freedom is just another word for everything left to lose. U.S. energy security hinges on providing reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible energy resources. We maintain the balance between these three energy priorities by developing and protecting our resource diversity. If we are to "act boldly in Freedom's Cause" and "support essential priorities" our energy policy needs to encourage a diverse energy supply so we are never beholden to or "addicted" to another single fuel source. U.S. energy policy cannot succeed if it is driven by the "flavor of the week" and the funds to be appropriated in next week's budget should include substantial funding for all potential contributors to our energy security, not just a few.

When it comes to our global competitiveness, the United States is falling behind Europe and other regions in supporting ocean renewable technologies. These governments have demonstrated their political will and support for diversifying their own energy supplies by funding ocean renewable projects, getting them into the water, and bringing them closer to commercial viability. Ocean renewables include energy produced by waves, tides, ocean currents, offshore wind, and ocean thermal technologies-providing added diversity within the ocean renewable industry, while contributing to the overall mix of energy solutions.

Last year's energy bill included support for ocean renewable technologies and other potential energy resources. Our energy security is an "essential priority" upon which our economy and quality of life rests. To fund only a few potential energy resources, when others can add to the overall solution, is to shortchange the foundation of our Nation's energy infrastructure.

We urge the President, Senate, and House of Representatives to leave no rock unturned in meeting our Nation's energy security needs.

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