CALGARY, Jul 24, 2006 -- Canada NewsWire


Because of reduced provincial electricity supplies and high demand, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has instructed ENMAX to reduce electricity consumption in Calgary in order to maintain the integrity of the provincial electricity system.

As a result, ENMAX is instituting a series of 30-minute rotating power outages in different parts of the city.

Alberta's electricity supply is currently reduced because some power generating units are unexpectedly unavailable to provide electricity to the grid. These restrictions in supply have coincided with the last few days of unusually hot and humid weather across much of Alberta, which has increased demand for electricity, primarily due to the higher use of air conditioning and irrigation systems.

This is not a problem with the ENMAX system; it is an issue of power availability and maintaining the integrity of the provincial system. Under such circumstances, ENMAX is required to follow the AESO's instructions.

Hospitals and larger buildings are generally not affected during these rotating power outages.

SOURCE: ENMAX Corporation

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Power shortage: rotating outages across Alberta to maintain integrity of provincial electricity system