UK energy 'at the mercy of other countries'
Jul 11, 2006 - The Birmingham Post

EEF West Midlands last night warned the Government that failure to fully address Britain's future needs in today'sEnergy Review would "leave the UK at the mercy of other countries".


It cautioned Ministers not to duck tough decisions and instead set out a balanced long term strategy for a secure and competitive supply with all options available including nuclear.


Ian Smith, chief executive, said: "Government must put in place a clear strategy to address our future needs that will include both renewable and nuclear energy at it's heart, not as a last resort. This is essential given our dwindling oil reserves and increasing dependence on overseas suppliers.


"Failure to do so will not only lead to a less competitive source of energy but, given the increased dependence on imported energy supplies, leave the UK at the mercy of other countries. In addition, the UK's carbon emissions have risen in recent years, leaving the Government well off its own domestic target, and urgent action is needed now if we are to meet our Kyoto commitments to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050."


EEF says the Government should address planning, licensing and liabilities issues in order to make a "substantial difference" to the rate of return required by investors in nuclear power' make a decision on the disposal of radioactive waste' exempt nuclear power from the climate change levy, given that it emits no carbon, which would "send out a powerful signal to potential investors".


It also wants replacement of the current Renewables Obligation with a low carbon equivalent in 2015 that covers all energy sources with low or zero carbon emissions, improve the effectiveness of measures to increase energy efficiency across the economy and increase incentives to invest in new energy sources such as "clean coal".


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