2006 U.S. Power System Wall Map

NEW for 2006!! The Most Up-to-Date Visual Reference Tool on the U.S. Power System Available

Changes in the electric industry mandate a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. power system. This stunning new map is the largest, most detailed and up-to-date reference tool available for energy professionals, financial institutions, power marketers, merchant plant developers, or anyone else involved in this dynamic industry.

Map Displays:

Utility and non-utility power plants: All plants 45 MW and above (2,180 in total). Clearly defined by capacity, fuel mix, operator and regulatory status. (CURRENT AS OF JANUARY 1, 2006!)

Transmission lines Nearly 450,000 miles of transmission lines indicated by voltage

Service Territories For the first time ever, TRUE retail service territories indicating brand names of the billing entity.

Plant data and locator table for quick and easy reference

11 detailed regional insets

Utilities All IOUs are shown, as well as non-IOUs with over 100,000 MWh of retail sales in 2004 (over 1,300 utilities!)

NERC Regions All of the above overlaid on a detailed base map with states, counties, major cities & towns.


Cost: $490.00 (lamination +$90.00)
Size: 48" x 92"
Data year: 2006

See the complete line of Global Energy Maps