DEP Displays Hydrogen Vehicle in Celebration of Clean Air Month 
Publication Date:08-June-2006
12:30 AM US Eastern Timezone 
Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
ORLANDO – Fashion Square Mall patrons got a first-hand look at new alternative fuel technologies today. In celebration of Clean Air Month, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) showcased a new hydrogen-powered vehicle and a gasoline hybrid vehicle at the Fashion Square Mall in Orlando.

“DEP is excited to introduce samples of alternative transportation technology to Central Florida citizens,” said Vivian Garfein, Director of DEP’s Central District. “Florida’s investment in alternative fuel, pollution-free technology benefits everyone, improving both our environment and our economy.”

The hydrogen vehicle is part of a demonstration project, an initiative unveiled in 2004 by the U.S. Department of Energy. Through the federal government’s Controlled Hydrogen Fleet and Infrastructure Demonstration and Validation Project, Ford supplied Florida DEP and Progress Energy with five hydrogen-powered Ford Focus Fuel Cell Vehicles.

To become less dependent on foreign sources of energy, the state is acting to diversify its electric generation capacity, increase and diversify fuel supply and increase conservation and efficiency initiatives. Under the leadership of Governor Jeb Bush, the Florida Legislature passed a bill during the 2006 Legislative Session creating the Florida Renewable Energy Technologies & Energy Efficiency Act.

The Act is a comprehensive strategy to diversify the state’s fuel supply and provide long-term energy security. The four-year, $100 million plan provides grant programs and targeted investments for emerging technologies to speed up the development of viable alternative energies such as solar, hydrogen and biofuels and stimulate opportunities for new industrial activities and services, providing high paying jobs for more Floridians.

For more information on Florida’s energy program, visit

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