has recently introduced interactive mapping of biodiesel fuel stations and ethanol 85 fuel stations across the US
Ethanol 85 Fuel Stations |
Over 650 Nationwide |
There are presently over 650 ethanol 85 fuel stations, and 350 biodiesel fuel stations located on the MapMuse maps.
Biodiesel Fuel Stations |
Over 350 Nationwide |
The idea is for alternative fuel enthusiasts to build upon what we have started by adding information about their local ethanol 85, and biodiesel fuel stations to the maps. The following information can be provided for each station- the name, descriptive text, a photo, contact information, and a link to a website. Through this kind of community effort, we hope to have the most comprehensive, and descriptive maps for the public to locate alternative fuel stations at home, and on their travels. So we invite you to let others know about what is available in your community. There is an ADD and EDIT feature on the site (you can refer to if you have questions about making changes). Once a visitor suggests a change, it is reviewed for appropriateness and then posted within a few hours. This service constitutes free advertising for the alternative fuel stations.
You can view the alternative fuels maps by going to, and selecting View All Interests. Alternatively, the following links will take you directly to the alternative fuels maps:
For ethanol 85 fuel stations, see:
For biodiesel fuel stations, see:
If you are not familiar with, we are a highly trafficked mapping website with an Alexa traffic rating of approximately 14,000 in the world. MapMuse’s goal is to help people find places related to their interests. MapMuse continues to add new topics of interest each week. If you have a topic that you would like to see mapped (energy related or not), you can suggest the interest on the MapMuse site, and there is a good chance it will be addressed.
If you find our maps useful, we would appreciate it if you would pass the word on to like-minded friends. And if you have an alternative fuel related website, blog or newsletter, a mention or a link would be greatly appreciated.
Cindy Jett
1326 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005