Save the Date! NHA Renewables to Hydrogen Forum October 4 & 5, 2006


The National Hydrogen Association is proud to announce that it will be holding its first Renewables to Hydrogen Forum, Oct. 4th & 5th, 2006, at the Marriott Pyramid North Hotel in Albuquerque, NM.

Visit the website for more info and registration!

This forum, the first sponsored by the National Hydrogen Association and its newly-established Renewable Hydrogen Working Group (RHWG), is intended to objectively promote the renewable production of hydrogen by identifying and addressing the issues, challenges, and opportunities associated with renewable technologies, infrastructure, and economics.

This will be a unique opportunity to build a deeper understanding of both renewable and hydrogen technologies AND engage in the development of strategies and roles for each of the renewable energy forms--Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, & Hydropower--as a resource for the future hydrogen economy.

This new event has already sparked a great deal of interest from a wide range of renewable energy leaders. Over 30 companies from the Renewable Hydrogen Working Group came together to create this event. Chair Dale Gardner from NREL and vice chair Keith Avery from West Wind Works want to invite all executives and leaders from the renewable and hydrogen production industries to join this Forum for an interactive, enlightening and relationship-building event.

In addition to the array of engaging keynotes, the Forum will produce results in the form of short technical and strategic messages, and draft education and outreach products that will help shape the technical and policy discourse on renewable hydrogen.

We look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque!

For more INFORMATION on the forum and to REGISTER please go to: http://www.hydrogenassociation.org/renewablesForu m.

Act now as space is limited!


Emily Bryant
Event Coordinator
202-223-5547 ex. 327

Contact Information
phone: 202-223-5547