SAN FRANCISCO, June 23, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall


As the sweltering heat wave continues to blanket the state, Pacific Gas and Electric Company urges customers to practice energy conservation to assist the state's power grid manager. The extreme temperatures have triggered the California Independent System Operator to declare Flex Your Power NOW! days through Sunday evening, June 25.

The peak demand statewide on Thursday was 42,355 megawatts, which is slightly below the forecasted peak of 42,754. Current weather forecasts project several more days of sweltering heat, with Sunday predicted to be the hottest day so far this season.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company does not anticipate any reserve shortfalls, but increased usage could also strain its systems which is why conservation remains critical.

Both residential and business customers are asked to reduce usage during the peak hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Pacific Gas and Electric Company is voluntarily curtailing usage at its facilities throughout northern and central California. The utility urges its customers to take part in this call to action, and conserve electricity today. Conservation plays a key role in helping the California ISO balance the demand for energy with the available supply.

The Flex Your Power NOW! campaign was launched during the summer of 2004 as a way to enlist the help of California energy users in times of tight supplies. When the California ISO declares an imminent electricity shortage -- caused for example by unplanned transmission and power plant outages, wildfires, or higher than expected demand and unseasonable weather -- a warning is issued asking customers to reduce usage to help avoid power emergencies.

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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company

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PG&E Continues to Call for Energy Conservation