Spiralling energy costs are crippling British
industry and threatening thousands of jobs, a senior union leader was due to
warn at a conference in Edinburgh.
Derek Simpson, general secretary of Amicus, was expected to call on the
Government to give a clear indication of its policy following the completion of
its energy review. He was due to tell the conference the environment would
continue to suffer without a long-term policy which included a mix of nuclear
power and clean coal technology.
Mr Simpson was expected to warn that energy costs are overtaking
globalisation as a factor leading to job losses in manufacturing.
"Without clarity, industry will continue to be crippled due to increasing energy
prices and the reality of climate change cannot be ignored. A clear energy
policy is crucial to safeguard the UK's wellbeing and ensure security of supply.
The Government must urgently give a clear indication of its energy policy
following the completion of the energy review. British industry needs certainty.
Thousands of jobs depend on it."
Mr Simpson will use the example of Nissan's Sunderland plant.
Three years ago, the cost of electricity was £ 6 mm while this year, he claims
it will be £ 17 mm.
Source: AP