Solar PV Companies Overcome Silicon Shortage and Push Ahead
June 23, 2006 |
June 23, 2006 |
"The industry, to sustain growth, will need to look in to what it can do
to pull away from a subsidy supported to market driven entity. For this, it will
need to entrench on market fundamentals such as restructuring its supply chain,
distribution network and marketing structure."
-- Pramodh Panchanadam, Frost & Sullivan, Industry Analyst
Palo Alto, California [] Frost & Sullivan recently reported that the Global Solar Photovoltaic Market earned revenues of US$6.49 billion in 2005 and estimated this will reach US$16.43 billion in 2012. It found that solar photovoltaic industries are slowly overcoming inhibitions associated with them to become a viable alternative as distribution generation systems.
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