Solar cell plant
takes shape
Jun 26, 2006 - Electronic Engineering Times
Author(s): Mark Lapedus
San Jose, Calif. - A startup originally funded by Google Inc. last
week announced a $100 million financing package and set plans to build
what it claims will be the world's largest solar cell manufacturing
Currently in pilot production in Palo Alto, Calif., Nanosolar Inc.
has started ordering volume production equipment for use in a factory
said to have a total annual cell output of 430 megawatts-or
approximately 200 million cells-per year once fully built out. It will
be located in the San Francisco Bay area. Nanosolar's first panel fab,
designed for a broad array of novel product form factors using advanced
processes, is expected to be in Berlin.
Recently, the California Public Utilities Commission proposed the
California Solar Initiative, the largest solar energy bill in U.S.
history. Worth $3.2 billion, it will establish an 11-year rebate program
for new and retrofit installations of solar photovoltaic systems.
Nanosolar has developed a proprietary nanoparticle ink and fast
roll-printing technology.
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